Andrea Aldrich

Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Yale University

Andrea Aldrich is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Yale University. Her research interests are focused on political representation, gender, and comparative political institutions. Her work examines the relationship between internal political party dynamics and legislative representation. She is particularly interested in investigating the influence of internal party organization on gender equality in elections and party leadership, and her research has recently been published in JCMS: the Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics, and Politics & Gender. Before arriving at Yale, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Houston with the Political Parties Database under the direction of Dr. Susan Scarrow, a visiting scholar at Texas A&M University, and Fulbright Scholar at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. She is also the Treasurer of the Women’s Caucus of the Midwest Political Science Association, the co-chair of the Political Parties Research Network for the Council for European Studies, and convener of the Gender in the Social Sciences Workshop at Yale.

Read more from Andrea Aldrich: 

“Pandemic Performance: Women Leaders in the Covid-19 Crisis” w/ Nicholas J. Lotito, Politics & Gender, 16(4): 960-967. (2020)

Party Organization and Gender in European Elections.” Party Politics, 26 (5): 675-688. (2020)

The Consequences of Quotas: Assessing the Effect of Varied Gender Quotas on Legislator Experience in the European Parliament” w/ William T Daniel, Politics & Gender, 16(3): 738-767. (2019)